Clip in hair extensions are a fabulous way to transform your look, add volume, and experiment with various hairstyles in an instant. They offer a versatile and temporary solution for achieving the luscious locks you desire. 

However, to keep these extensions looking their best and ensure they last, proper maintenance is key.

In this blog, learn how to maintain clip-in hair extensions in the best way. Let's dive into the world of maintaining clip in extensions so that you can enjoy long-lasting and glamorous locks.

How to Maintain Clip In Hair Extensions?

  • Gentle Washing

Begin by combing your clip in hair extensions with a wide-toothed comb to remove any tangles or knots. Fill a basin with lukewarm water and add a small amount of sulfate-free shampoo. Gently swirl the water to create suds. 

Immerse your clip in extensions in soapy water and gently agitate them, ensuring the shampoo reaches all parts. Now rinse the clip in extensions under cool running water until all shampoo is removed.

  • Conditioning

Apply a good-quality conditioner to your clip in hair extensions, avoiding the roots or clips. Leave the conditioner on for a few minutes. Now rinse the clip in extensions under cool running water until all conditioner is washed out.

  • Drying

Lay the clip in hair extensions flat on a clean towel and gently press to remove excess water. Do not wring or twist them. Use a second clean towel to roll the extensions, further removing moisture. Place the extensions on a dry towel and allow them to air dry. Avoid using heat, as it can damage the clips and fibers.

  • Combing and Styling

Use a wide-toothed comb or a special hair extension brush to detangle the clip in hair extensions gently. Start from the tips and work your way up to the roots. When styling, use heat tools sparingly and at low temperatures to prevent damage.

Ensure to use a heat protectant spray before applying heat.

  • Storage

Store your clip in hair extensions in a clean, dry place. You can use the original packaging or a dedicated storage container to keep them free from dust and tangles. 

To prevent tangling, clip the extensions together or use hair extension hangers to keep them organized.

  • Frequency of Washing

Clip in hair extensions do not need frequent washing. Typically, you can wash them after every 6 to 8 wears or when they become visibly soiled.


In the world of hair fashion, clip in hair extensions are a remarkable tool that allows you to transform your look effortlessly. But, like any beauty secret, they require a little TLC to stay in prime condition. 

By gently washing, conditioning, and properly drying your extensions, you ensure they remain silky, soft, and free from damage. Combing, styling, and storing them correctly prolong their life and keep them ready for your next style adventure. 

If you want to buy quality clip in hair extensions, check out Paula Young®. The website offers excellent quality clip in extensions that effortlessly give you the desired look.

Looking for other methods to increase your hair volume? Check out the blog How To Add Volume To Thin Hair In Women?